November 2 , 2003

Volume 13 - Number 45     

The New Testament Church

If the church as God planned it and Christ built it is to exist in any age, there are certain principles to which men must be committed. As surely as any of these principles are abandoned, so surely will the New Testament church cease to exist. Consider these necessary principles:

A Commitment to Absolute Authority of Christ

His authority is emphasized each time the New Testament calls Him Lord. His: miracles were for the purpose of establishing His Divine authority and identity (John 20:30-31). This commitment includes the recognition that the church belongs to Him, and He alone has the right to determine every feature of it. Until all men who claim to follow Christ allow Him alone to be the head of the church, religious confusion will reign.

A Commitment to the New Testament as the Final Authority in Religion

Christ expresses His authority through the New Testament alone. No alleged latter-day revelations (e.g., The Book of Mormon) nor prophets (e.g., Joseph Smith) can be accepted by people who are serious about the New Testament church. It is inspired history and is necessary for our understanding of God and His plan of redemption through His Son. However, the Law of Moses was no more given to govern men since the cross than was the law of Christ (the gospel) given to govern men before the cross (Colossians 2:14).

A Commitment to the New Testament Plan of Salvation

The only plan of salvation in the world is the one made possible by the cross and revealed in the New Testament. It is a plan of grace and faith, but not grace and faith only. It requires man's response of repentance, confession, immersion in water, and living a faithful Christian life. Baptism either is or is not necessary for salvation - it cannot be both. The New Testament says it is necessary (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:28; 22:16; Romans 6:3-4; 1 Peter 3:21).

A Commitment to the Identity of the New Testament Church

He built according to His own wise plan, He prescribed its terms of entrance, its designations, its worship, its works, and how it is to be organized and financed. If the identity of the church is unimportant, why is anything about it important?

A Commitment to Proclaiming the Gospel as the Foremost Task of the Church

Jesus had one great work and purpose - to seek and save the lost (Luke 19: 10). Such is likewise the compelling cause of His church (I Timothy 3:15).

Dub McClish

Ghana Report

Sunday, November 2, brother Nana will be with us and will speak to us during the Bible Class period.
During our morning worship we will have a slide presentation on the various work going on in Ghana.


Scouting for Food - Deadline: November 14th

Please place food items in the collection boxes located in the foyer.

"Ghana Presentation "
Matthew 28:18-20
"Stuck Between A Rock"
And A Hard Place

Mark Your Calendars:

  • November 2: Ghana Report and guest speaker: Nana Barima Sarpong Kumankuma II
  • November 2: Fellowship Meal. Be sure to bring your favorite dishes for bro. Nana to try.
  • November 4: Ladies Class 10 am. at Janet Weber's.
  • November 8: Ladies Day at River Road church of Christ. (New Port Richey) 8:00 - 2:30. Flyer in foyer.
  • January 24: Ladies Day at Cape Coral church of Christ. Flyer in foyer.

"What a man accomplishes depends on what he believes ."




Remember in Prayer


 Wayne Vowell

Melissa Keyso
Stepheny Bennett
Janet Weber
Zachary Mathis
Walt & Jeanette Thompson
Art Stapleton
Bill Sherman
Boyd Prevett



 Delbert Leavens


Morning Services


Bible Reading:

 Kerry Keathley  


 David Coffman  


 Ted Wheeler


Closing Prayer:

 Glen Law


Evening Services


Opening Prayer:

 Clarence Riggenbach



 David Coffman



 Ted Wheeler  

Closing Prayer:

 Larry Jenson

Our Record - Last Week


Delbert Leavens
Mike Weber - Carl Rigney
Wayne Vowell
$ 2814.00
$ 2695.00
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